A quick post today – really only of interest to cyclists here in Lakewood Ranch. Every local cyclist I know has lamented that there is no way to ride south into Sarasota after crossing the I75 Freeway on Linger Lodge Road. But I’m here to tell you, there is a way. It’s not a great way., Many people will say it’s not worth the effort, but it is possible to cross the Freeway on Linger Lodge Road and then ride south toward Sarasota.

Don’t Fence Me In!
Linger Lodge Road is the perfect place to cross the I75 Freeway if you cycle out of Lakewood Ranch. There is no freeway exchange on the road, so the freeway crossing is stress free. There isn’t much traffic, and it’s a very pretty ride to get there. Sadly, it leads into a neighborhood (Tara Plantation) that doesn’t go anyplace. It’s nice enough to ride around in, but most people just ride around, then come back into Lakewood Ranch over Linger Lodge Road again.

If you’re like me, you find this unsatisfactory. I want to roam. I want to explore the area around me on my bike. And I don’t like to negotiate a complicated, potentially dangerous, freeway interchange if I can avoid it. So I was determined to use the Linger Lodge Road crossing for something more than a lollipop ride across the freeway.
Get Across The River
The obstacle is the Braden River, and Ward Lake. They are there, they are wet, and in our way. To get south and west into Sarasota County, you must cross the Braden River someplace. There are no bridges across the river near Linger Lodge to the west of the freeway or north of University Road. To get across the river, you must use the bridge on SR70, or cross someplace even further north.

So that’s what I did. It is possible to ride north-west from Linger Lodge through Tara Preserve and get to SR70 at Caruso Road. From there, cross the river on SR70, then head south on Lockwood Ridge. Now, the whole of Sarasota County is accessible for your cycling pleasure! So, it can be done!
Why Bother?
Many people will say it’s not worth the extra effort. “Just cross the freeway of SR70 or on University Avenue” they will say. They may have a point.
I find the freeway crossing on SR70 a bit terrifying. University Avenue is not as bad – I cross there quite often. But I’m willing to bet that during the next 18 months, as the DOT constructs the now infamous divergent diamond interchange at I75 and University, that crossing will become inaccessible to those of us on bikes. This might be the least scary option for the immediate future.