Well, the day is here! Today we begin the Key West Tour.
It’s been busy, what with Thanksgiving and family and then making final preparations for the tour. But today all the planning is done, and we are off on our newest adventure! We both wake early and are eager to begin.
How do we say we truly enjoyed our dinner at Roast. Roast Restaurant is located next to the Sarasota Opera House in a wonderfully old building that was built by the famous John Ringling. It seems John Ringling is everywhere in Sarasota. Roast restaurant is in a two- story building originally built in 1925 and is a registered historic building in downtown Sarasota, Florida.
The upstairs bar is, in fact, his gentlemen’s club. The bar is simply stunning. The carvings are gorgeous. Their craft cocktails are quite good. Go up the steps just to see the bar and have a drink.
The Sandhill Crane is a common site around Lakewood Ranch. Riding our bikes through the parks and neighborhoods near our home nearly always results in more than a few sightings of the big, gangling birds with their bright red heads and grey feathers.
When I arrived in Florida, the first long ride I tried was from my home in Lakewood Ranch out to The Emerson Point Preserve in Palmetto. I reported that ride here on The Recumbent Gourmet.
At the time (May), the weather was really hot, and I didn’t have enough time at The Preserve before I had to turn back for home. So yesterday, I decided to repeat that ride, and explore the place in more detail. Boy, am I glad I went back! The place is much larger, and much prettier, then I thought after my first visit.