In reality, there was almost no need to go on a tour from Nayara Springs because it had everything. The lush gardens were all around. The villas had privacy screens that were, well, gardens and jungles.

The resort encourages wildlife to feel as much at home as the human visitors. For example, they added 300 cecropia trees to attract sloths. Another name for the tree is the sloth tree. We understand there are about a dozen in residence but we only saw a couple close up and personal.

They hung out and waited for pictures. They almost seem to pose. It was so exciting for us since we only ever saw them in zoos.
There at banana trees where flycatchers hang out. There are lots of lily ponds and fountains everywhere. Hummingbirds and butterflies were everywhere and there were so many other exotic birds.

It is worth the time to hang out and just watch the living jungle around you. We loved it.