When I bought my trike, I got fenders for it. Living in Southern California, I found fenders on the trike unnecessary. It hardly ever rained, and when it did, I did not ride. So shortly after The Pacific Coast Tour, I removed the fenders and I’ve been happy ever since.
Until Florida that is. Here is Florida it rains. A lot. Pretty much every day. It usually only rains for a few minutes, although it has rained for a few entire days this summer. If I ride regularly, I will get caught in a rain storm occasionally. If if I’m not stuck in the rain itself, the water stays on the roads and trails for hours after, so I am always riding through puddles and mud.
So today I dug through the garage, found the fenders and put them back on. When out for a quick 25 miles. No problems. They rattle a little, and one of the bolts came loose part way through the ride. I tightened everything up and added some Locktite when I got home. I don’t really like the way they look though – but I’ll probably get used to that.
I’ll keep them on through my tour to St. Augustine, then I decide again if I want to keep them on.
So what do all you folks think? Fenders, or no?