Monday April 9, 2012
50 miles (80 km) – Total so far: 146 miles (235 km)
I woke early and ready to get on the road for day 3 of the trike adventure.
The PCH was very quiet early on Monday morning. I was concerned there might be rush hour traffic, but those concerns were clearly unfounded. Almost no traffic in either directions and I rode past the gorgeous views of the Pacific Ocean near Point Magu.

I exited the highway near the Point Magu Naval Air Station and followed surface streets into the little town of Port Hueneme. I ate a late beakfast here, before riding along the Harbor Drive past Oxnard into Ventura. Lots of Naval activity in this area – bases, military housing, defense industry and the occasional military vehicle are what I remember most from this section.
In Ventura, I entered the beach trail and rode up the beach for a few miles. Unfortunately, the police has closed the north end of the beach trail today for maintenance. A traffic cop directed me across some railroad tracks to an unpaved trail that ran for about half a mile before entering the RinCon highway – the old PCH. I was pissed off at the time, because this wasn’t my planned route, but it actually saved me from riding several miles on the 101, so in retrospect, it is probably a better route.
This stretch was familiar from last fall when Nancy and I came here to ride in the Cool Breeze Century Ride. I remembered there is an unmarked bicycle path that runs from the end of Rincon out to the 101, so I took that. About three miles on the 101 – big trucks going very fast – not a favorite. I guess I better get used to it, cuz there is a lot more of it to come.
Exiting the highway at Bates Road. There is a steep climb through a beautiful equestrian neighborhood. One of the residents directed me to a great unmarked bike trail than ran for about 1/2 mile and exited on the main street in Carpenteria. I loaded up at the supermarket in town, then rode the short mile to the state beach.
Another great camp ground. The hiker-biker sites are in an open field next to the railroad tracks. The fellow camping next to me split a bottle of wine with me while I ate the provisions from the grocery store. We wandered over to the beach to check out the sunset, then I turned in for a good nights sleep.