When I bought my trike, I got fenders for it. Living in Southern California, I found fenders on the trike unnecessary. It hardly ever rained, and when it did, I did not ride. So shortly after The Pacific Coast Tour, I removed the fenders and I’ve been happy ever since.
Until Florida that is. Here is Florida it rains. A lot. Pretty much every day. It usually only rains for a few minutes, although it has rained for a few entire days this summer. If I ride regularly, I will get caught in a rain storm occasionally. If if I’m not stuck in the rain itself, the water stays on the roads and trails for hours after, so I am always riding through puddles and mud.
So today I dug through the garage, found the fenders and put them back on. When out for a quick 25 miles. No problems. They rattle a little, and one of the bolts came loose part way through the ride. I tightened everything up and added some Locktite when I got home. I don’t really like the way they look though – but I’ll probably get used to that.
I’ll keep them on through my tour to St. Augustine, then I decide again if I want to keep them on.
So what do all you folks think? Fenders, or no?
Mike, You are in Florida now, Rains almost everyday, I think Fenders are the way to go!
Probably. But fenders don’t keep me dry in the rain. If it’s raining I’m gonna be wet. But it does keep some of the mud and gunk off of me