Sometimes, Life Gets In The Way

In the last month, I realized life can get into the way of having a life. I found out I had something in my left breast. Maybe it is Florida, and the doctor’s like to find things but I had a routine mammogram.

It was routine until it wasn’t. They called me back for a second 3D mammogram and then a follow up ultrasound. I have to say I wasn’t thrilled with the ultrasound technologist who couldn’t find anything so the radiologist had to come in to show her and then she proceeded to tell me that I didn’t know what I was talking about when I mentioned something was there from years ago.

I guess I was hoping that the breast center would be caring considering it was a woman area working with women but it was pretty cold. During the second visit, it was a bit better probably because they thought I had something. The woman radiologist apologized for the sting of the lidocaine they used to put in a needle with a wire to guide the surgeon. She claimed she felt bad but I told her she really didn’t because she does it all of the time. She wished me well.

I really believe a breast center should be more caring, more like the wonderful care that took place for my lumpectomy at the hospital. Everyone in the hospital was great including my surgeon although it was “bring the kids to work day.” I told Mike I don’t really want the kids to be around for the surgery too. They looked like mini-doctors dressed in scrubs. It was cute but I wasn’t prepared for that!

The woman who put in the IV was amazing. When I asked if she was good, she said she was..and then she prayed. She was good, no hematoma for me this time and I can barely see where she stuck me.

The volunteers, the nurses, the doctors, everyone at the hospital were amazing. I think it is a throwback to the time hospitals were always this way. We are so fortunate to have a wonderful institution available to us.

Just to make a long story shorter, everything was fine. I was home with the procedure done in 5 hours. The best news is it is benign and I can get back to having a life. Whew! Biking, cooking, restaurants, wine tastings, golf, and, especially Mike (and Mac) are back to the top of my list.